It's been 8 weeks. 58 days (and nights). And I still love (and like) Ann.
This new life of ours is AMAZING! Spending every night with the person you love is the best thing ever. Well, almost every night. Not counting the nights I've slept on the couch due to the snoring, we've spent 2 nights apart (michigan while she was visiting her mom, and Sweeny, while I was trying to get a good night's sleep). I slept about 10 or 12 hours each those two nights.
We have been so many places, it's hard to remember. Which may be partly due to the lack of sleep.
San Antonio.
Los Angeles.
Cayman Islands.
San Diego.
Michigan (her, Kalamazoo, me, Auburn Hills).
Radford, VA
Raleigh, NC
Houston for Thanksgiving with Ann's family.
Oswego (and Syracuse), NY
Sweeny, TX
Today we head to Dallas, to see my big brother John play in his band at Muddy Waters. Then, I think we're going to the Ice! exhibit at the Gaylord on Sunday with Mom.
Then we work in Ft Worth for 2 days, then come back to Austin to fly to LA to get our car and drive to Morro Bay for 2 days.
Then Burbank for 4 days.
Then we spend a week in a cottage in Sedona, AZ.
Then we drive to Austin in time to fly to FL for our Christmas cruise.
Good times.
i love that you still love me.